
The Health Daily Program
is science in action.

This means your experience may differ from other people’s as we are testing and refining what works best.

Purpose: The Health Daily program is a research study designed to help people improve their health by encouraging them to complete brief daily health lessons online to expand their knowledge of healthy habits. All adults (18+ years old) who reside in the US, have an active US phone number that can receive texts, and have a smartphone, tablet, or computer that can connect to the internet can participate in the program. The program lasts for 4 weeks and requires creating an account on our web application.

Data Collected: In order to evaluate program effectiveness, we're asking for your permission to access all data collected during interactions with our platform and all of your responses to program communications (emails and texts). By joining the program, you are allowing researchers to access your health lesson data, as well as additional demographic information you provide. All data will be de-identified when analyzed by researchers. Your individual responses to this program are being collected directly by the University of Pennsylvania and could be used in future research. Your individual responses will be kept strictly confidential.

Participation: To participate, provide your full name, e-mail address, and mobile phone number. You will also create an account on our Health Daily web application to track your progress on health lessons. As part of this program, you may receive text and email reminders about your lesson progress and customized support. Each day you login to the Health Daily web application, you will be entered into several raffles to win prizes.

Opt-Out & Leaving the Program: Your participation is completely voluntary. If you’d rather not participate, then do not consent to the program. If you want to rescind your permission, you can withdraw from the study by sending a written notice to at any time. If you withdraw from the study, the information previously collected from you will be retained.

Additional Information: Health Daily is part of a research study intended to help researchers understand how to best create and maintain healthy habits. It is not a form of treatment or therapy, and it is not intended to detect a disease or find something wrong. If you do not understand what you are agreeing to, do not give your consent to participate. Instead, please ask the research team to explain anything you do not understand, including any language in this form. You can contact the research team, led by Professor Katherine Milkman, PhD, at any time during or after the program, including if you have questions, concerns, or complaints regarding your participation or your rights as a research subject. If a member of the research team cannot be reached or if you prefer to talk to someone other than those working on the study, you may contact the Office of Regulatory Affairs at the University of Pennsylvania by calling (215) 898-2614.

Possible Benefits: Participation may help you expand your knowledge of healthy habits, which could improve your health, lead to the development of healthy behaviors, and potentially reduce your risk of diseases. Please note there is no guarantee that you will directly benefit from your participation in this study.

Possible Risks or Discomforts: Because this program takes place fully online, we do not see any substantial risks associated with your participation. By accepting the invitation below, you are agreeing to take part in this research study. This means that you have read the consent form, your questions have been answered, and you have decided to participate. If you’ve decided you’d like to participate, please indicate that you meet the participation criteria below and check the box to opt into the Health Daily Program and continue to the setup pages.